Friday, December 27, 2013

It's Been Too Long

I don't know how many days or how many runs anymore! I could count, but I'm not going to.

It has been way too long since I posted. Obviously I couldn't do this for a living because I'd get fired!
Many people were encouraging me to continue to post, but  i could barely find the energy to run let alone write about it. Either way it's a new day and almost a new year so let's start fresh.

After the holidays I know weigh about 190lbs.... NOT GOOD... NOT OKAY! I really need to loose at least 20 more lbs before the end of January... NOT LIKELY! But I will try my hardest! tht means ultra dedication is needed.

During the time I was away from the blog I tried Garcinia Cambogia... and guess what... it didn't help. I was pretty faithful about it so I was left disappointed.

I also completed my first official 5K! I did the Norpoint Turkey Trot with my Sister, her husband and her friend! I loved it! It was the fastest I had run for a long time! The hill at the end was killer! I knew there was a hill at the end so once I got to a hill I powered through it, but it was a trick! I turned a corner and then saw the hill I had to finish! It was awesome! Here are some pictures!

What a bunch of Hotties!!
This was the beginning hill... nothing compared to the end!

Yes there were 4 firemen running with all their gear! I passed them!
Their supposed to do this for a living so I felt accomplished passing them!
I also ran and worked out enough to earn a pair of rock revival jeans! I filled up my star chart 5 times and now it is almost 6 times! But I am going to wait until I am a little smaller to buy them. The horrible thing is that by the time I am smaller I will probably be starting to get bigger for a good reason!

Then Christmas came this week and my amazing sister and her husband who I ran the 5K with got me this amazing Nike Pro jacket! I took it for it's first run today and I love it!  It matches my socks and I love matching!

I've also decided to start training for  a half marathon. Not sure I will get the chance to run it before I have a baby, but I can still train for it! And then train again after the baby and do it before the second baby! If anyone has any suggestions for training schedules, methods or just tips I am very open to them!

Thank you for continuing to come and read and support me in trying to make my life and body healthier and happier!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hard Run

I don't even know how many days it is now, but it is Run:138

Sorry I was gone for so long. So here's an update.

I completely lost my motivation. I was so tired at the end of my day that I just couldn't do it. I still am having a hard time balancing work with my personal life. I don't have enough time for either.

After 27 days of not running or exercising it was hard to get back out there and start again. That is why the title of this post is Hard Run. The second run I had after restarting was the second hardest run I have ever had. The first of course was the very first one. The one where I decided I had to change and I was tired of being big and unhealthy.

I have been having lots of hard runs. It is made worse by how slow I am running and the times I have to run. I hate running in the afternoons, but it's the only plausible time for me to run. I feel I run better in the morning and in crisp cool air! Like today! It was nice and cold outside and the fresh air felt great!

Well I am slowly starting to get my motivation back thanks to supportive friends and family!
A few thank yous:
  • Mike Anderson ( My handsome husband!)
  • Jaclynn Wilkinson, Leona Stookey, and Michelle Dayley (My friends)
  • Jason and Kristel Anderson (My family)
Oh and I'd like to thank my first big girl paycheck for letting me buy these:

These are my new running shoes! Oh and new neon running socks by a brand called Feetures! get it Feet... tures! It took me longer than it should have but hey I was tired! They are supposed to be blister proof.. we shall see...we shall see.

Weigh day report:
I'm not sure where I am at right now. This week has been torture. My first natural cycle off of BC pills. I forgot how horribly it affects my weight and emotions. It is so hard to not eat your emotions. Thursday I went off the deep end. 7-11 was my best friend. I haven't gone that crazy is a while though so I figured it was okay considering the circumstances.
  • Motivation:  MUST LOSE MORE WEIGHT!

  • Listening to:  Panic At the Disco!, Red Hot Chili Peppers, M.I.A., Luda

  • Thankful for: The cold air!
Route and Stats:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

These Shoes Were Made For Running, But These Legs Were Not!

Day 421: Run ...I have no clue anymore

Well I can't believe I haven't posted in over a month.... however this month and 1 week has been the most hectic one I have ever had. Vacation was nice and I did run on the beach again and then did some yoga... it felt soooo good I didn't want it to end, but as all good things usually do... it did.

I haven't gone running for 12 days because I started my first year or teaching and I am teaching kindergarten of course! It has keep me so tired that I sleep a solid 8 hours every night now... Which is great for my body, but not so great for having a life outside of work. I also have a set of kids that definitely give me a run for my money. I haven't even gotten my first paycheck and I can already tell you that teachers do not make enough!!

But that is not what this blog is about! This blog is about being healthy and losing weight!

Today's run was hard and I just kept thinking about short I am and that my legs really are not made for running or at least running fast. And when I do have kids I had dreamed about being that woman that is like 7 months pregnant and still running for exercise, but I see that dream slowly fading away and it makes me sad... Reality kinda sucks... I don't like it.

Weigh day report #60:
I gained and then dropped again, but I am still not down to my lowest weight.
  • Motivation:  Stress relief please!!!!

  • Listening to:  A mix of La Roux, Skrillex, Hot Hot Heat, and Nicki Minaj

  • Thankful for: Actually getting my butt up and moving again.

Route &Stats:
Ugh coming to terms with being slow is sooo hard!! I don't wanna be slow!

Today's motto is

Did you know that getting a good nights rest might help you lose weight?
Researchers have found that people who sleep less than 7 hours a night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that a lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones that regulate appetite.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weighday #55 and New section added!

Day 383: Run 129

Weigh day report:
Back on track and I'm feeling good! I hope my weight loss continues!! Today I weighed 187 lbs.! Just gotta keep going!

My run today was annoying because it definitely did not track right. It's a 4 mile run. I know it's a 4 mile run. There is no denying it's a 4 mile run but for some reason my tracker decided to track it at 3.3 and 3.5 this week making me very angry!

  • Motivation:  I have to lose weight! I'm tired of being a little tea pot short and stout!

  • Listening to:  My angry run mix but it didn't seem to pump me up like it usually does! Guess I wasn't angry enough!

  • Thankful for: Running.. if I was wasn't running I would have been trapped by the Jehovah's Witness's. Darn old ladies telling me I should have run earlier in the day and then try to talk religion with me... Get outta here! (said with a thick Jersey accent!)

Route &Stats:

I'm not post route and stats because it says that I was running a 14 minute mile... Oh Reginald!... I DISAGREE!!!!! It's impossible for me to run a 14 minute mile.... I walk a 15 minute mile and even if I walked half the mile I would still be at a 13.5 minute mile!! Here's the math....

SO I usually run a 11-12 minute mile so half a mile would be about 6 minutes. I walk a 15 minute mile and half of that would 7.5 minutes. 7.5+6= 13.5!!!! 14 is out of the question!

When I got home and calculated the run it evened out to about 13.25 minutes per mile. It's hard to stay motivated when your tracker is off.

This is a new section I am adding to talk about healthy living. Some of the things might be funny and some of the things might be serious and inspirational. Today I thought I would start off with funny inspired by Mary Dempsey! This is my new theme song! It describes how I must think and feel when I see a plate of cookies or brownies or even a huge bowl of potato salad!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weigh Day #54

Day 376: Run 127

Weigh day report:
Well I think I'm finally back on track with my eating and am starting to lose weight again. Hooray! Today I weighed 188.8 lbs. I just need to break past by barrier at 182. That's where I got stuck and couldn't seem to lose more, but watch out because I'm taking that number down!!!

My run today was partially devastating simply because my phone died on me. It's getting old and I have been having problems with it holding a charge. Also I think that Nike + (which is the tracker I am now using) is draining my battery more than my old tracker. So an old battery combined with a life sucker equals dead. 

  • Motivation:  I have a new motivator... it's called pre-pregnancy/pre-conception. Before I even start trying to have kids I have got to get my weight down. I have been reading a book called before your pregnancy and it has been very informative, however it is also quite obvious that the healthier you are before pregnancy the healthier you will be during pregnancy and after. NO, we are NOT trying yet! I am just obsessed with being informed and I think people are reading a little too much into it.

  • Listening to:  Until my phone died I was listening to Imagine Dragons, Awolnation, Neon Trees and Skrillex

  • Thankful for: The sprinklers on at the park!

Route &Stats:

Sorry because my phone died I wasn't able to finish and save my run, so Nike + doesn't even acknowledge that I started a run today.... LAME!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Run Tracker

Day 362: Run 121

So I tried Map My Run and Nike Plus as new run trackers and I think I am going to stick to Nike Plus for a little while longer and see how it turns out

Unfortunately the two runs I went on with these two new trackers were horrible runs. I ran super duper slow and it felt like I was lumbering the whole time :( Not cool! I am going to blame it on the hot weather though! Today was much cooler and I ran what I feel is a normal pace for me. For me I feel like a 12 minute mile is pretty average. I have faster ones and slower ones, it depends on what percentage of the mile I walk and what percentage of the mile I run.

So it is weigh day 51 I think and to be quite honest I am very disappointed. I weigh the same. 190.4lbs.  I started to think my scale was broken but it had no problem telling me when I was heavier than 190.4 this week.

SO my goal for this week is to track every single little morsel of food that crosses my lips. Every last crumb or drop will be documented!! I have to get down to my goal weight, I just gotta!!! I'm so tired of being large! My height doesn't help when it comes to being large. You think oh she's 5'2", she's little, well being 5'2" makes me WIDER!! If I were just a few inches taller I would not be so LARGE!

  • Motivation:  DON'T WANT TO BE LARGE NO MO! (Yes, I understand double negatives, but you get the point, don't be so nit picky. Sheesh)

  • Listening to:  Skrillex, Volbeat, Icona Pop, and Britney Spears

  • Thankful for: The cool weather!

Route and Stats:

This is cool because it shows you where you ran the fastest and where you ran the slowest. Green is the fastest and red is the slowest!

Also the calories on this one are much closer to what I really lost. My fitness pal says 581 and this says 559, where as Endomondo would have said like 800.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fierce, Yet Frustrated

Today is actually Day 357 and July 20th will be my year mark(my counting was off by a week)

Day 357: Run 118

Let's start with the frustration. I currently weigh 190.4lbs... what the explicative?! WHY? I have been running my arse off. Yes my eating is not perfect, but it's not horrible either. I should be maintaining not gaining.

On top of that my tracker made me want to throw my phone across the park today! It totally screwed up how many miles I went. It said I only went 5.56, but I know I went farther than that. It also said I was running a 14 minute mile.... uhhh  YEAH RIGHT!!! It is not possible for me to run the entire mile and have it last 14 minutes. I walk a 15 minute mile.

Any suggestions for new tracking apps. I'm thinking about Nike Plus, but feel like a sell out going to Nike. Don't get me wrong, I love Nike (especially their dri-fit t-shirts) and they have great products however, there are times when I just can't stand the complete commercialistic outlook of their company. (I understand that they are a business but I'm pretty sure they would sell their soul to Satan to make a huge profit. Why do my shoes cost so much if there are little kids in china making them?)

Any suggestions or personal inputs for a new tracker are more than welcomed!

Moving on, I felt rather fierce while I was running today, it could have been that I was extremely pissed off by my tracker, but I felt athletic and unstoppable... even when I stopped to talk to this old guy who told me I was ruining my knees by running and that I should just walk. Well yeah that's easy for someone who is in shape and walks all day long and probably doesn't have to worry about what he eats. He's currently walking 23,000 miles for MS. Go Don!

  • Motivation:  I just want to be in shape and healthy. In all honesty have been lacking motivation lately. My plan was to hit the summer running and exercising and going to the gym, but that's just not happening. I need motivation and I need it bad!

  • Listening to:  La Roux, Neon Trees, Matt and Kim, and Awolnation

  • Thankful for: Going
Routes and Stats:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I'm Back!

Day 358: Run 117

First of all... today I ran 7.28 miles!!!! WOO HOO! I had the time and decided to try to run a 10k..... and so I did... and then some!

For those who do not know I also got a teaching job this last Tuesday and will be working as either a kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade teacher. They're not sure where they will need me, but the important part is that I got a job! Pray for me to get kindergarten!!!

No I have not lost any weight... in fact I gained some.. This rut thing has got to go!! Because it has been so hot here I have been drinking water like crazy and hope it helps! Also I need to be better about tracking my food. Food is my killer!! I could run a marathon, but if I eat a cookie I'm screwed!

  • Motivation:  Getting a tan.. It has been so sunny that my motivation for staying out longer is not the extra calorie loss, but the extra exposure for a golden tan! Of course I use sunscreen, I'm not stupid and because I was so white to begin with, but I am loving the outdoors!

  • Listening to:  I really love these 5 songs:
    1. I Love It! - Icona Pop
    2. Don't Slow Down - Matt and Kim
    3. Bangarang - Skrillex feat. Sirah
    4. Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
    5. Going In For The Kill - La Roux

  • Thankful for: The sunshine and the time to be able to run!

I can't go 7.28 miles and not show the crazy route and stats! HOLLA!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Excercise Makes You Happier :)

Day 350: Run 113
In 15 more days it will be a year since I started! WOW!!! What a year!

In the last 43 days I have finished student teaching, finished working as a para, graduated from college and had 4 job interviews with #5 on Tuesday! My husband also graduated last night so life has been a little busy.

Today was the first time I exercised in 17 days... I gave myself the permission to run as much as a usually do A. because of how long it has been and B. because it is 86 degrees outside... needless to say again... I'm not happy with myself, but I deal with the choices I make.

I forgot how incredibly happy exercise makes you! I don't have a care in the world right now!

It's time for another reset. So here it is press the button and start again! (PRESS HERE)

Due to the weather difference I had to rethink my running attire. I think that it is important to be comfortable while you run. For me I like a snugger fit on what I wear when I exercise. That being the case I am also a little self conscious because I know what people think when they drive by a fatty who is wearing too tight of clothing. I am trying to get over what other people think because the reality is that I am getting healthy! I also think if they ever say anything I will tell them to get out of the car and fight me! 9 times out of 10 no one will mess with someone who is exercising and why would you... they already have adrenaline coursing through their veins. They will beat you and then run away!

Okay enough of the rambling... Here is a t-shirt I upcycled to wear today! It was like three and half sizes too big and now it fits great and I use it as my running shirt! Yay!
I love it and I look bad ass in it!

  • Motivation:  Gotta get back in the saddle!

  • Listening to:  A new mix I made called Sun Run... artists include: Awolnation, B.O.B., Fall Out Boy and La Roux

  • Thankful for: The pleasant breeze!

No route and stats today... :( sorry

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Not Happy with Myself

Day 307: More volleyball tonight!

Well, weigh day, what is it? #42? super sucked. I gained a lot of weight. I am back to weighing almost 10 more lbs. than I was at my lightest on this freaking journey. I weighed in yesterday morning at 191.8 lbs.

NOT HAPPY. But it is my own fault. I am a sucker for feel good food. I really need to control my eating habits in order to lose weight. So now is the time to resolve to be as strict as I was at the very beginning. Unfortunately that involves buying food that is a little out of my price range. Like low calorie bread.

Umm another down side to weight loss is that you do not lose it all evenly. My thighs are still huge, my arms are still jiggly and my belly is still big. However my waist, which was tiny to begin with is even tinier... what da heck?! It should all go evenly! At least my calves are kind of starting to shape up and I like that!

Let's give this another go.

My run yesterday was good and my run on Monday was even better! On Monday I ran during a massive down pour! You could see the wind in the rain! It was glori - glorious!
I have been running faster which is fantastic because it reminds of where I started and how far I have come.

  • Motivation:  Taking care of the body I have  while I have it

  • Listening to:  A new mix I made called Running.. I say it like Charlie Sheen says winning! Running!

  • Thankful for: The down pour!

No route and stats today... :( sorry

Friday, May 10, 2013

Rough and Tumble Never Killed Anyone... or did they?

Day 301: Run 100

Wow! 300 days and my 100th run! Super awesome! However my run was rough due to the fact that I decided to play volleyball last night for the first time in almost 2 years. The picture below is the beating my arms took!

Other than that Weigh day #41 came and gone with disappointing results. I really need to stop eating. It's my biggest downfall.

  • Motivation:  Not quite sure considering it was a struggle to get out of bed!

  • Listening to:  A new mix I made called Running.. I say it like Charlie Sheen says winning! Running!

  • Thankful for: The beautiful sun! Here is a picture I took from the big hill in my run!

No stats sorry!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Many Personal Bests Bested

Day 295:Run 97

I have exciting news! I just ran my fastest:
  1. 1 mile - 8 min 53 sec
  2. 3 miles - 29 min 11 sec
  3. 5k - 30 min 39 sec
And my furthest cooper (12 min) - 2.15k

I have been noticing that it takes about a month for me to make strong improvements in my times and distances. I just have to keep doing it. I'm thinking about running every morning instead of just every other day. Any pros or cons that anyone knows about doing that? Is it better to give your body a day of rest? It might help me regulate my sleeping patterns better. hmm I guess you can only try.

Weigh day #40 came and gone without improvement. I'm so tired of being stuck here! It's a huge uphill battle. I start to get up over the hump and then I slide right back down.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

I will tell you my real problem. FOOD. I have a love hate relationship with food. I love to eat it, but I hate what it does to my body. When I'm stressed and I don't have time to run I eat. And life is pretty stressful right now. AHHHH I have to stop eating but I don't want too! HELP

SO I created a list of my 25 favorite snacks 60 calories or less! Why so low? Because when you can only eat 1200 calories a day you cannot waste calories on snacks. So here it is!

  • Motivation:  The sun was shining!

  • Listening to:  A new mix I made called Running.. I say it like Charlie Sheen says winning! Running!

  • Thankful for: Seeing Trenton and Jami Little driving out of the park!

Route and Stats:

So because I ran the first few miles so quickly I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep up the pace because it almost killed me therefore I did 2 work outs. The 4th mile obviously killed my average for the work out.
SO I ran for a total distance of 5.1 miles and a time of 57 min 39 sec

Saturday, April 27, 2013

I LOVE EXERCISE!... and water!

Day 288:Run 94

I just got done with an amazing run! I feel on top of the world! Nothing can stop me!! I have found that I have to run in the morning or else it sucks.Two days this week I went running when I got home from work/school (student teaching) and first of all they were warm days and secondly I was running so slow. I struggled through both runs and they sucked hard! Today I went in the morning like I like to do and it was amazing! When I get home I feel euphoric and don't have a care in the world! I stretch and then go in my house shut the door and dance in the entry way!

Umm I always notice how hard it is... I have to tell myself to keep going and it eventually gets better.
Also I have been getting gross sweaty which is weird for me because I normally do not get that sweaty and it is really grossing me out so I started telling myself that it's just melted fat and I am trying to deal with it that way. So when you are sweating and it is gross just tell yourself it is your fat melting and it makes it a bit more bearable!

Well weigh day 38 was a bust, but this last Wednesday (weigh day #39) was good! I actually started to lose again! Woo hoo! Ok I'm back down under my license weight (by .2 but less is less!) So I weigh 184.8 hopefully it will be less this next Wednesday as I celebrate 40 weeks of my journey! Holy cow! 40 weeks! That's a whole baby!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

SO last time I said I was going to do some major meal planning.... Yeah that didn't happen.. I was too lazy. However I have been trying not to eat late at night. Eating late tends to be the down fall of all of my weigh ins. I have also been trying hard to be conscience of my water in take. Nothing beats good cold WATER! I'm just a huge fan of water in most of it's capacities. I love swimming and showering and I love when it rains and washing my hands. Water is pretty awesome!

I do have to clarify the love the rain comment though. I'm 5'2" which means I'm short and it is hard to buy pants. My biggest pet peeve of all time is when the bottoms of my pants get wet.. UGHHHH!!

Ok back to the fitness and nutrition blog....

I still need to do major meal planning. I really need to control my eating. When I control my eating I loose weight much quicker and in larger increments. One of these days I would like to post a meal plan with a shopping list and recipes. I think it would be beneficial to me and to all of you!

  • Motivation: Lose dat weight and a faster run time!

  • Listening to:  A big mix...of my ANGRY RUN and a new play list I found on spotify! I gotta give a shout out to my girl Heidi Dueck for her GYM play list on spotify! Thanks for the good music.... my favorites are Bangarang and Reptiles theme!

  • Thankful for: The euphoria I felt as I walked through my door after my run today!

Route and Stats:

The kcals on this tracker are still way off!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh day #37... so it's been a while!

Day 271:Run 86

Today would be weigh day #37... I'm going to continue with that. This morning I weighed 187.6, not exactly what I wanted to see. Yes I have gained some and yes it is really frustrating because I worked really hard to get to the 30 lb mark and now I am under it, but I am more determined now to lose it!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

I am going to do some major meal planning for myself this afternoon and I am not going to let exercise count towards my calories anymore, unless of course I feel extremely hungry and think I am going to pass out if I don't eat something, but other than that I am sticking to 1200 calories a day regardless of exercise.

Yes there will be moments of hunger, but I don't believe that it is unhealthy to feel hunger. I think that a lot of people run on the idea that it is not okay to be hungry and that if we are hungry then we must feed ourselves. The reality is that our bodies are creatures of habit and if you constantly feed it and then don't feed it, it will be hungry because it will be like "Hey where's the food that I normally get at this time?" However, I also believe that we shouldn't starve our bodies because then it keeps every little morsel of fat or protein or whatever you decide to give it. The human body spends about 1200 calories a day (give or take depending on your activity level) and so that is what I am going to give mine. Anything less than 1200 begins to boarder on starvation nation and I am not down with that.

To start my meal planning I am going to look at how many calories each meal/snack should be allotted. Obviously I need to give dinner the most calories because I am also cooking for my husband who is anything but small... Side note... I wanted to see how many calories he would get using myfitnesspal to lose 2 lbs a week at his size and do you know what that lucky guy gets?.... 2900 calories a day... and that is to lose weight! Males are so lucky their bodies don't work like female bodies. SO JEALOUS!!

Anyway, back to meal planning I have to make a meal that will satisfy both of us. I am going to write down all of my options for breakfast lunch and dinner because I like variety in my food. I personally hate left overs. I had that yesterday why would I want it again so soon after I already ate it?

For breakfast I have to put my plug in for a new found love! Yoplait Greek 100!
100 calories for a nice size serving of Greek yogurt! The strawberry is fantastic and tomorrow I will try the mixed berry! I recommend it!

  • Motivation:  Lose dat weight!

  • Listening to: My Angry run mix, Volbeat, Stained, Three Days Grace, Seether, Shinedown

  • Thankful for: The rain! I was soaked when I got home and I loved it!

Route and Stats:

The kcals on this tracker are still way off!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Beat Myself to the Punch

Day 269: Run 85
I didn't even get a chance to sit down and write out the SMART goal before I reached it!

I ran my fastest 5k today. 33 minutes and 48 seconds. My ultimate goal is still a 30 minute 5k but my interim goal was 33 minutes. Now I just need to do it consistently!

My sister had her baby last night and I am even more inspired to get fit so that I can have strong healthy pregnancies when the time comes.

  • Motivation: Higher, Faster, Stronger! To be fit! To run a 30 minute 5k!

  • Listening to:  My Angry run mix, Volbeat, Stained, Three Days Grace

  • Thankful for: Being faster

Route and Stats:

The kcals on this tracker are still way off!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

On the up and up!

Day 267: Run 84

I had a hard time getting up to go running and after work did not work because I was busy everyday. Oh well I went today and it was great!

Still listening to my 10 min/mile play list and today was not my fastest ever but I am improving. I think I really need to just get back into it to start improving.

I always think I can just jump back in where I left off and I can't. I have to build back up to it.

I think I am going to write a SMART goal for running a 30 minute 5k. well I will probably start with a 33 and then drop to 30.

I am definitely having breathing issues. DO you think it is more I just need to keep at it or do you have suggestions I could try to fix my breathing issues? I am also trying abdominal breathing because it will also help when I am having babies. I will take any suggestions at all!

Today's weather was beautiful and the park was oddly empty for a Saturday... I guess it was just a little earlier than all the soccer games start.

  • Motivation:  To be fit! To run a 30 minute 5k!

  • Listening to:  Neon Trees, Judas Priest, Quiet Riot, Peaches, Gorillaz, Weezer and on and on and on....

  • Thankful for: The beautiful weather and quiet park!

Route and Stats:

The kcals on this tracker are still way off but I think I burned close to 450 kcals! Woot Woot!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Trying Too Hard

Day 261: Run 83

Today I decided to go running after work (Student teaching) because I didn't go before work. Well it was a beautiful day, but the run was tough. It has been a while since I ran my 5k route and my body reminded me. Once my breathing became strained it was an uphill battle the rest of the way (figuratively speaking). Less than half a mile into my run I was struggling to breathe and I got a bad side stitch that never went away.

Let me tell you why my run was difficult (Aside from having not run that far in a long time) I saw a pin on pintrest about songs that have a beat of 150 beats per minute which is equal to a ten minute mile if you run to the beat. I thought Awesome! Music can be a huge motivator for me so I created a playlist from a bunch of awesome songs, some new, some old and I was excited. Well right out of the gate I was trying really hard to keep up with the music, which wasn't hard except for my breathing wasn't ready to keep up with the music and that's where is became problematic. I was trying too hard to be fast, which in turn made me slower.

A friend of mine posted this picture on pintrest one day after I had a rough day and a slow run.

 Now every time my tracker reads my time to me and it is slower than desired I think this to myself. Usually in the terms "It doesn't matter how fast, just that I go" It's a tough lesson to learn.

This same friend is a runner and told me that she writes haiku poems about coffee or while drinking coffee... something like that and so one morning while running I decided to try and make a haiku poem about running... It was awesome... but I forgot to write it down and now I don't remember it.

  • Motivation:  New music, 10 minute mile!

  • Listening to:  The Killers, Neon Trees, Judas Priest, Quiet Riot, Peaches, Gorillaz, Weezer and on and on and on....

  • Thankful for: The beautiful weather!
Speaking of the beautiful weather it was so warm that my jacket and cold weather tights were way to much! I was super hot and not in a good way.

Route and Stats:

The kcals on this tracker are still way off but I think I burned close to 450 kcals! Woot Woot!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Back On Track.. Let's Hope!

Day 252: Run 78

It's been 8 weeks since I posted. I'm sorry. I kinda went insane with trying to finish my last quarter of coursework before student teaching.
Not only did I lose control of my eating, but I lost control of my running too. I seriously lost it. After homework was done, it was the decision between 3 hours of sleep and running or 4 hours of sleep and not running. I took the extra hour of sleep.

I have a firm understanding of what it means to be my own worst enemy. I fight myself everyday and then I go to bed beat up and wore out, but I'm getting better. I know I have a ton of cheerleaders out there, but it's hard trying to be my own cheerleader. In reality when it comes to weight loss, you can thank people who have motivated you, but you are the only one there at 5:30 in the morning making the decision.

OK enough serious talk.. let's move on.

Alright well I'm still fighting the plateau and my recent eating habits did not help. I gained weight and lost my 30lb mark, but I'm almost back to.

I started student teaching this past Tuesday and thought I was going to be able to go running after school everyday... WRONG. I came home and made dinner. 23 kindergartners are unbelievably exhausting.

I also started a multi-vitamin. Never tried one before so I am hoping to see results but I have heard that the results are usually unnoticeable which is sad.
Any thoughts on multi-vitamins?
  • Motivation:  Get back on track!

  • Listening to:  Volbeat, Shinedown, Red Hot Chili Peppers 

  • Thankful for: The beautiful weather!

Today's run was tough. Not only have I not ran for 3 weeks but I also have a productive cough going on right now. My first mile was fairly fast, I thought for sure it was going to be slow (10:58). The other two were normal (about 12:30).

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Less Than What My License Says!

Day: 196 (Almost 200!)  Run: 71
Wow, I'm sorry it has been almost a month since my last post.

Well that is my life. I work full time with children who sometimes make me think thoughts about late term abortions. Then when I'm done trying to teach the little Satans that call me the b word every chance they get I go to school full time. Then when I'm done with that I come home and make dinner and do homework.

I should consider myself lucky that I have time to exercise. Well I did take a few days off from running because I had gone hiking somewhere close to Mowich Lake. I burned over 1500 calories thanks to the fact that I was hauling my snowboarding gear around with me.

I have also been a little under the weather. Here is a funny story. SO everyone around me is getting sick and I think, "Wow I should be really grateful that I'm not sick and that I don't get sick very easily." (The terrible thing about that is that when I actually get sick, it puts me on my death bed) Later that night while saying my prayers I decided to voice my thanks for having a strong healthy body and for not getting sick. The next morning I woke up with a sore throat. Go figure.

At least I'm not extremely sick. No strep and no flu and simply a minor cold that I am avoiding by blowing my nose regularly.

OK back to the real reason for this blog, Weight loss and Healthy living.

I finished another running chart! That is 3 now! 2 more and I will be able to buy my Rock Revival Jeans!! (Well granting I can afford it and that I am at a size that they would look good!) The dots indicate days when I beat a personal best record!

I have decided that the first 1.5 - 1.75 miles are the hardest, after that barrier you can just keep going. Whenever I realize I am walking I think, "I could be running... ok" then I start running again.

I came home from work pretty worked up yesterday and looking forward to going running. I was very adamant about getting a spotify subscription so I could listen to whatever the heck angry music I wanted. Turns out I didn't have to pay and was able to use a 30 day free trial! Hooray I have awesome music from now until march 4th when I will probably decide to pay for it or sign up with a different email and still get it for free!

I ran my fastest 5k yesterday! 37 minutes WOOT WOOT! I am trying to get faster. So I did it faster today, 36 minutes but unfortunately I had set my tracker to fitness walking because I was planning on walking and not running, so it didn't count as a 5k.

Weigh day #27
As for my weight I am at 182.6 which is less than what my license says! WOOT WOOT! However I have gotten stuck here and didn't lose anything this last week. Why is this going so slow? At first it was going great, but now it is a snail race!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

I am also frustrated with the fact that it's not all coming off evenly, my waist has lost a lot more than my thighs. Which is not fair because my waist was already the smallest part of me!! What da heck body?!

  • Motivation:  Burn off stress!!

  • Listening to:  3 Days Grace, Shinedown, Volbeat,

  • Thankful for: My endurance to just keep going!

I'm not posting the route and stats this post, maybe next time, sorry if that's what you came for :(

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Reality Weigh day #24

Day 175: Run 63

It's official I have been doing this for at least 6 months now. I've lost about 30 lbs. It would have been more if I didn't allow Christmas to screw me over.

This is what happens when you run in
the rain without waterproof mascara!
It has been really hard to get back on track, but I am losing again... kind of but not a measurable amount.

On Wednesday it was raining so hard, I mean just down pouring and I loved running it! I'm sure the cars driving by thought I was nuts, but it felt great!

I have had a lot of people try to tell me what is best, but the truth of the matter is that weight loss is a personal thing and only I can decide what is best for me. What is best for me might not be what is best for you.

I'm the type of person that if you give me an inch I am going to take a mile. If I give myself a cookie, I am going to eat 5. If I have a piece of fudge I'm also going to eat those potato chips. Knowing this about myself I don't give myself cheat days very often. Vacations and holidays are not excuses to gorge myself, but I do it anyways. (I actually did quite well on vacation last August)

Having said that what is best for me might not be best for you, I do have one contradiction to make. Real weight loss does not come from a product. It does not come from a pill, or a wrap or a bottle and surgery is simply cheating unless you're so fat you're going to die without it. Real weight loss comes from change and effort. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice then you are not going to be completely successful. You might get some success, but it wont last forever.

  • Motivation:  I need to lose more, must run more!

  • Listening to:  Mt. Sims, Muse

  • Thankful for: All of the people in the park, because for some reasons my ego wont let me walk if someone is looking, I have to be running.

(Just remember the run tracker's kcals are way off!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ice Runner is White and whiny! Weigh day #23

Day 165 : Run 57 (I skipped out on Monday)

Running has gotten to be burdensome and I don't like it. I also don't know why it feels like a burden, but it does.

So weigh day 23 is here and well ladies and gentlemen. I have gained. I weigh 186.6. I can blame the holidays all I want, but it's my own fault for lack of self control. I ate like I was a starving child in Africa.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Let's examine some reports....

Does that red circle look like a plateau to you?
Let's get a little closer...

Yep. It's a plateau alright.

What am I going to do? I gotta get out of this rut! I know I haven't been on the ball lately about it but I was still on this plateau before the holiday eating started. Since the end of November!

This = NOT OKAY!!

I'm tired of working hard and not getting results! It sucks! Why can't weight loss just be steady? Stupid body, don't know what's good for you! I'm gonna punch me so hard! 23 weeks now I have been doing this. I should have lost 46 lbs by now!! GRRRR!! and why is it that I can only eat 1200 calories a day? if my husband did this he would probably get to eat 2000 a day and he would lose weight like no one's business.

This = NOT FAIR!! and I hate not fair!

  • Motivation: The scale God was displeased this morning and I must please the scale God!

  • Listening to:  Snoop Dogg (Now called Snoop Lion, but to me he will always be Dogg)
Which is where the I'm White story comes into play. I was listening to "The Next Episode" and decided to sing along... out loud... Thankfully I was all alone because I realized I had sung out loud some lyrics that could have been severely offensive, I don't personally care, but I would have cared if someone wanted to beat me up over it.
  • Thankful for: Whoever lives on 33rd St and has that wood burning stove! It smelled glorious is the fresh cold air!

(Check it out, I can do it all in one picture instead of typing it all out! Just remember the run tracker's kcals are way off!)