Friday, August 24, 2012

Weigh Day 4

Day 36: Weigh day 4

Not too impressed with the scale this morning. 208.4, you have got to be kidding me?! All the hell I put my body through this week and I only lost  .4 lbs?! What da heck?! It better show next week or I will be angry face!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

I went for an hour long walk yesterday with my 2 friends and I was sore when we went walking but I am super sore today. I have to hobble around but I want to eat more so I am going for another walk today. Hopefully it will help me earn more calories back!

I have to be honest. I am really struggling right now. It's hard to see everyone else eating whatever the heck their heart desires and I'm left sitting there with my phone trying to calculate exactly how little of the cheesecake I can have and still be under my calorie limit.

Why is water the only thing with 0 calories? At least on weight watchers you can eat a ton of fruit and veggies without it counting against your points!

Great now the Ice Cream truck is playing outside my window.

Also does anyone know if it is counter productive to eat and walk at the same time? I would almost think so but I don't know so.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsie, after reading your posts I am noticing a pattern and I would like to share my opinion. It is great you are trying to keep right at your caloric intake for the day. However, I think you should try maybe for a week or two to choose foods that are better for you. Not planning your calories for the day around a treat. And aim for half your body weight in ounces of water. And see how you do. My guess is you will do really well! Don't be afraid to eat fruits and veggies either. On the flip side it is insanely difficult to not have a treat at some point so have a cheat MEAL not day. Something my old trainer said to me at my very first session with him was it's all about "preparation and choices". It is absolutely true! Being prepared knowing what youre going to eat for the day in advance always helps me.
    You are doing so awesome! And try not to base this all on what the scale says...yes that is hard to do (and I need to keep that in mind too on this journey) but base it off of how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting. Anyways just my 2 cents! Keep it up you're inspiring me to get back at it!
